President - this position must be held by a previous board member
1) Presides at all meetings of PTO.
2) Facilitates the work of Officers, chair people, and committee members to successfully accomplish the PTO objectives.
3) Appoints special committees, except the nominating committee.
4) Appoints representatives for County PTO meetings and events, SES Local School Council, and other representation as needed.
5) Informs the Executive Board of all information acquired from local or county meetings.
6) Appoints Parliamentarian who shall serve at all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
7) Be a signatory on all financial accounts of PTO
8) Signs and executes all contracts, agreements, or other obligations in the name of PTO as authorized by the Executive Board.
9) Performs such other duties as may be provided by the PTO Bylaws, these Standing Rules, or as directed by the Board.
1) The treasurer is the authorized custodian of PTO funds.
2) Maintains permanent records to track PTO funds and financial transactions.
3) Maintains a permanent record tot rack PTO income, receipts and disbursements.
4) Prepares annual budget for adoption by the PTO.
5) Pays PTO bills as authorized by Board.
6) Co-signs with the President all approved PTO contracts.
7) Ensures taxes and reports required by PTO bylaws, insurance and/or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due dates.
8) Works closely with the President, Secretary, Vice Presidents and Chairpersons to ensure that PTO funds are appropriated according to the approved PTO annual budget
9) Ensures monies are counted by two (2) PTO members who have signed the PTO Financial Policies, using Cash Verification Forms.
10) Receives funds collected by PTO volunteers and issues receipts.
11) Receives itemized bills, sales slips and invoices for payment by check.
12) Prepares authorizations for payment, signed by the authorized Board members.
13) Issues checks with two (2) signatures to pay bills as directed by the Board.
14) Keeps PTO checkbook up-to-date to show current balance.
15) Prepares a monthly Treasurer’s report including at a minimum the Year to Date Budget vs. Actual and the monthly bank
16) Submits monthly Treasurer’s reports to local governing body.
1) Records the minutes of each general and Executive Board meetings.
2) Distributes copies of the minutes of the previous meeting for approval.
3) Requests Agenda items for Executive Board meetings and distributes prior to meetings.
4) Keeps a current copy of the Bylaws.
5) Keeps minutes from previous meetings for reference during meetings.
6) Determines the presence of a quorum prior to any business being conducted.
7) Calls the meeting to order in the absence of the president.
8) Maintains a file of all current PTO contracts.
Vice President of Corporate Sponsorships
The VP of Corporate Sponsorships will work with a team to maintain excellent relationships with our community partners and ensure that we are compliant on all contracts that we make with outside organizations. This person is also in charge of the corporate match program for the donors.
Vice President of Fundraising
The VP of Fundraising will work with a team of chairs to lead out on all fundraising efforts including raffles during PTO events and miscellaneous fundraising initiatives, including boxtops.
Vice President of Volunteerism
The VP of Volunteerism will lead the room moms for this school year, as well as recruit and maintain a list of event volunteers for the PTO. This person will create sign up geniuses for each event and work to get all positions filled.
Vice President of Events
The VP of Events will empower chairs for each event that is under their leadership. This committee member will be the liaison between their chairs and the board and will give updates on each event. This person will have 3-4 events under them throughout the school year.
Vice President of Events II
The VP of Events will empower chairs for each event that is under their leadership. This committee member will be the liaison between their chairs and the board and will give updates on each event. This person will have 3-4 events under them throughout the school year.
Vice President of Communications
The Vice President of Communications will be in charge of working together with chairs to maintain the PTO website, PTO social media channels, and communicate with administration on updates for the newsletter each week. This person will also be in charge of email blasts to parents about upcoming PTO events and happenings.
Vice President of Staff Appreciation
The VP of Staff Appreciation will work with chairs to lead all of our staff appreciation initiatives for the year. This includes monthly treats for all staff, teacher appreciation week, and bus driver breakfast. This person will work within their yearly budget to allocate for each appreciation event or gathering.
Member at Large
The member at large will attend county meetings and give highlights of the meeting to the board. They will also be in charge of family photo sessions.
Parliamentarian - this position will be appointed by the current PTO President
1) Assists the President with meeting procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
2) Acts as an expert on the PTO Bylaws and Standing Rules and advises the Board accordingly.
Why Donate to the PTO?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!